Rain, rain, go away...please!
You may not be aware of the plight my little neck of the woods is facing. If you read any of the weather information for Northern Utah, you'll get an idea of what my life has been like for the last two weeks. Flooding. Lots of it. We lost nearly everything in our crawlspace. Not things like furniture, carpet and the like, but irreplaceable valuables such as journals (both mine and my mother's), yearbooks, home videos, vacation photos, baby books, wedding memorabilia, genealogy research, oil paintings, graduation ceritificates, handwritten letters from friends and family members, etc. It was heart-wreching. I cried until I can't cry anymore...well almost.
Through it all though, I learned a very important thing about my family, or my sisters, I should say. My twin dropped everything she was doing in the middle of a very busy work day with only the shirt on her back and a debit card and rushed to my aid. She'd been up all night the night before working but still busted her butt for six grueling hours in a four-foot high water prison. My other two sisters both called to see if I was okay and offer their sympathy since they were unable to come physically help me and my family. I love my family more than anything else, both my immediate and extended families.
Although we met with tragedy (and are still not in the clear yet with more flooding predicted this weekend) I feel very fortunate to still have a safe family and such wonderful sisters! Thanks, ladies!! You made a tough situation a little bit easier to stand.