Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Halloween was a great success at my house this year. The kids being older helped. My youngest isn't so sure that this holiday is for her, even with people handing her candy all night long. She climbed my leg and clung to my neck the whole night, even when around people she knew well who weren't dressed up. Anyway, I was a little disappointed in the costume selections. My original idea was to be The Incredibles!! Having the perfect match to the Disney family and my own family didn't impress them. And my husband drew the line at spandex. Also, my sewing machine is broken so I wasn't able to whip up the adorable homemade variety of years past. Instead, Wal-Mart and Party City pinch hit for us. Of course, Michael was Batman. Who else would he be? Duh, mom. RyAnn was "naughty & nice." I don't ask anymore. Anna was a butterfly for the whole ten minutes she wore the $12.95 wings I purchased. The rest of the night she was more or less disguised as my hip (fear.) Jason was (yes, I managed to get him to dress up, but not on Halloween night) a cowboy. This is only hysterical to those of us who know him for the "preppie" boy that he is. And I was Linc from the mod squad (except I was white and not black.) I had the most amazing Afro wig and tiger-print panel bell bottoms.

I must take a minute to "bag" on the whole Trunk or Treat idea. I am so glad that my family still chooses to go door to door through our little neighborhood. We got to see some widows and shut-ins who I fear don't have visitors much. They were all so thrilled to see our excited little monsters incognito. They made a huge fuss over their costumes and their "trick or treat" chorus that my kids were on cloud 9. What better reward for their efforts rather than throwing candy at them from the unappreciative Ford or Chevy rear-end!? Nope! No Trunk or Treat for my kids. We're still cautious and safe, of course. But this paranoia has got to stop or our kids are going to grow up scared of their own shadows! There...stepping off my soapbox for now.

Happy Halloween!!!